FusionEngine Client Documentation

This library provides message definitions and support functionality for interacting with Point One FusionEngine in real time, as well as processing recorded output data. Both C++ and Python are supported.

See https://github.com/PointOneNav/fusion-engine-client for requirements and installation/build instructions.

Message Format

All messages begin with a MessageHeader, followed by a message payload corresponding with the MessageType in the header.

See Message Definitions for a complete list of available messages.

ROS Message Support

For convenience, this library includes some messages that can be directly translated into ROS counterparts where ROS integration is required. See ROS Support Message Definitions.

Body Coordinate Frame Definition

Vehicle frame: side view"
Vehicle frame: back view"

The platform body axes are defined as +x forward, +y left, and +z up.

A positive yaw is a left turn, positive pitch points the nose of the vehicle down, and positive roll is a roll toward the right.

Yaw is measured from east in a counter-clockwise direction. For example, north is +90 degrees (i.e., heading = 90.0 - yaw).